Saturday, January 5, 2019

Cleaning House~Reclaiming My Energy

Writing Day 5

Cleaning House

Every other week, when the kiddo goes to mom's for her weekend, I do a fairly decent deep clean of my house; It's kind of a reclaiming of my own energy of sorts.
As any of you parents can imagine, when Torin's home it's pretty much ALL his space and his stuff tends to migrate throughout the house, of course.

So every other week I work on reclaiming my own personal energy; it is truly a much-needed reworking of my spirit and (while I naturally miss my kid) a welcome diversion from the "norm".

Needless to say, if you read yesterdays blog, I cranked up the music; mostly Van Halen radio today on my Pandora (which plays pretty much the pre-hair band genre of mid 70'/80's rock), damned good music to clean by.

Well now that I've cleaned, eaten dinner (which was actually quite healthy, leftover quiche, and a salad), and showered, its time to kick back and jam in another direction...SATURDAY NIGHT FEVER...bring on the disco...LOL

Yeah, I know but, hey its feel-good music and I choose to feel good this evening.

That's right, never forget YOU CAN CHOOSE TO FEEL GOOD!

Hope Y'all do too. ;)

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