Sunday, January 6, 2019


Writing Day 6


So, NO, I wouldn’t describe what I’m doing lately w/ my writing as a “block”.
There are a few new in-depth blogs starting to roll out, however, at present, they are in the mind-melting phase; in other words, they’ve yet to reach the keyboard.

One of my strongest character traits, talents is my writing; my therapist refers to it as my “superpower”. The limitation I’ve noticed lately, in this attempt to train myself to write daily, is I seem to have slipped into the ‘I have to…’ phase.  I don’t want to feel like I have to write; I want to write daily because I WANT TO write, not because I’ve initiated an edict to myself to do it. I suppose this is part of the process of training myself to actually do it every day, until writing daily becomes rote (LOL, yeah I know).

The challenge w/in the challenge seems to be a content/quality issue.  
I wish/prefer to write piece worthy of my personal bent as a writer (spirituality, overcoming challenges, self-help etc.); yet, here lately it seems I’ve been writing more about my own challenges than writing about ways to overcome them; or rather, ways/coping mechanisms/tools I’ve used personally w/ positive results. Don’t get me wrong, I’m still very actively using those coping mechanisms and tools daily; yet, it seems I’ve been needing to air my own “dirty laundry” so as to purge or vent some of my own challenges.

Fact is though, I know sometimes we simply need to vent/purge to stay healthy; oftentimes this venting is exactly what we need to open up the spaces w/in us so they can be filled w/ more positive, and more edifying, spiritual food. Not to mention the fact, many people heal more deeply (or rather hear the message, and find the tools they WILL actually use) through an understanding /acknowledgment that they aren’t alone in their struggles.

So, that’s me for the evening. I’m writing daily; strengthening my appetite for the activity of writing w/in itself, and no matter the content, even if it seems rather mundane at the moment, it helps me toward my greater goal and may possibly help someone else through their struggles too.

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