Friday, January 4, 2019

A Good Day, A Good Song

Writing Day 4

A Good Day, A Good Song

Today has been a relatively good day. Granted you, each day has its good moments.
Today has been unbalanced in the sense that it's been more good than "bad".

It's been a blessed day from the beginning; w/ an intermingling of the occasional emotional fallout.

Sad songs will get ya every time. I listen to music almost constantly when I'm home; for one its soothes the internal beasting because it gives me something else to dwell on other than my thoughts, the other of course is because music has its own flow. Music doesn't flow in unison w/ how we're feeling; w/ the exception of music we may specifically choose to listen to, having an intended emotional effect. On the contrary, music creates the mood and influences the emotions along w/ the song of the moment.
So at one point earlier today (before 9 when I could start doing business for the day) I jumped; and I do mean jumped, to avoid a full-on anxiety attack, from Air Supply (yes, IK ugh) to Tool...oh the soothing styling of Maynard and the

The jump was an excellent coping mechanism though and had an uplifting effect on my spirit; pulling me rather quickly out of the maelstrom I was falling into.

Let me tell you a  little story about my romance w/ pretty much every genre of music (I love music, truly I do):

For several years I drove a cab over in Kingsport/JC area of TN. For a time, I had a regular I'd p/u at the local VFW hall/; an old timer, WW2/Korea Vet who simply loved music. It never mattered; I tested the theory on several occasions w/ everything from ABBA to Zydeco, what I was playing; he wanted it turned up, I soon realized it wasn't because he was hard of hearing he sincerely loved everything I played. That old war vet would sit in my back seat and tap his feet, dancin' in his seat. Every day it was the same story; he'd tell me "Music saved the world boy, music saved the world".
Needless to say, I took that to heart.

As I've come into my spiritual walk and learning to KNOW that we must be the change we wish to see in this world I've as well come to understand this concept literally begins in my heart space. If "music (truly) saved (saves) the world..." then its w/in MY SONG that it sings a beginning from.

I'm thankful every day for music and the way it moves me.

Remember your song, even if you think it's out of tune, IS important...SING IT OUT LOUD...Save the world beginning w/ YOU!

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