Wednesday, May 25, 2022

FB Jail Sucks, But Why?

I am sure those of us that have been put on restriction by big daddy Zuc have plenty to say about this particular bit of suckage but, exactly why does it suck as much as it does? Aside from the folks this hits considerably hard in the wallet, and advertising of products, etc., I believe it actually has a deeper, more primal seat in our consciousness. 

A Primal Connection ~ Existence Validation
2 words, Existence Validation.

Humans, as a general rule, ARE NOT solo artists. In fact, humans are pack animals, receiving input and giving input to others, thus validating our very existence in the grand scheme of things. It’s, simply put, part of who were are as a species. We crave, or rather the EGO craves that validation and we seek it out, sometimes in ways that aren’t exactly good for us. When that needed external validation isn’t available to us we flounder.

Most of us don’t, usually, ask those questions such as, ‘Why am I here?’, and ‘What’s my purpose?’ to ourselves. No, on the contrary we ask those questions to the void, to friends, to therapists, rather than asking our own hearts. While, it’s true that being able to validate our own existence w/in is an important thing in regard to self-acceptance and personal validation, the fact still remains that outside input, people caring about us, and showing us love touches us on a much deeper level. 

‘Why am I here?’, ‘What’s my purpose?’

We NEED other people in our lives; we need verbal and physical connections to thrive. Needless to say, having your voice and presence restricted has the opposite effect.

While FB is great for getting that Existence Validation we all need, it’s so very important to remember to reach out when you see someone seeking extra attention and validation. We all need the occasional reminder that we are loved and thought of in this life.

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