Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Vicarious Gratitude

Writing Day 2

Vicarious Gratitude

Yep, you read that right. 
Gratitude need not be only for the blessings we receive directly/personally. 
We can (and sincerely, should) have gratitude for the blessings others receive, even when we don’t, as well, receive the same (perhaps, even, much needed) blessings in kind.

Often, ‘it’s not always about me’…sometimes it is, sincerely, about
appreciating the blessings others receive around me.
Today, I spent the better part of my day at our local courthouse, attempting to get some assistance w/ my energy costs. Ultimately, it was a bust; I didn’t get the help on my bills, which was, indeed ‘much needed’.  Truth is I was #164 and DSS ran out of funds at #160.

Now I could have made the choice to react to this reality w/ complaint, more worry, or in some other negative way.
That’s right, I said CHOICE.

Instead, this was not my chosen response.
Fact is, I have found, over the last several years; each of which I have been impoverished enough to need the offered assistance, that, in turn, I’ve received a much-needed level of contentment/ gratitude observing the blessings others receive, and as well watching the way people’s hearts melt, shoulders swell, and faces light up w/ their own gratitude for the blessings they receive through this process.

So often, nowadays (mostly through social media), we live vicariously through the lives of others. Everything from this morning’s breakfast, to this evening’s bubble bath (and all points of potential interest in between) gets paraded in front of us; oftentimes in the pursuit of approval, and yet, even w/ this constant onslaught of ‘look at me’ we miss the opportunities to be blessed by what’s actually happening around us in the ‘real’ world.

Paper planes

So, today was a ‘real’ world kinda day. Sure, I had access to wifi and FB but, I didn't really hang out there much. I was enjoying people watching and visiting. I was even blessed w/ lunch and blessed w/ a ride to/fro. 

It was fun spending some time (even w/ my kid in tow) away from the house, even though the reality of that time was sitting around playing ‘hurry up/wait’.

As well, my cherub made a new friend today too. I was blessed to be able to watch him actually enjoying the day we initially thought was going to be difficult for him. 

...and video games

So, despite the fact I didn’t receive the assistance I needed I recognized the blessings I have today and sincerely loved watching others through my vicarious gratitude in the many blessed moments.

BE Grateful…no matter what life brings.

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