Wednesday, January 9, 2019

I Didn't Write...

I Didn't Write...

So last night I didn't write; I only realized this as I was headed to bed, so I said "screw it" and allowed myself the option. In essence, I allowed myself forgiveness.
The fact of the matter is, this goal of writing every day was not originally intended as a NY resolution; no I didn't call it that other than to explain project toward the goal itself. I never really considered it a resolution. Do I still feel an urge to get into the habit of writing every day? Absolutely, my writing is beneficial to my well-being and at times others have been positively affected as well.

So, I am going to continue to make an effort to write daily but I'm not going to hold my nose to the grindstone; this kind of behavior is at best self-defeating.

Having compassion for myself w/in my goals is much healthier and promotes the aforementioned well-being, of which I'm developing more deeply in the process.

It's a nice feeling to be able to cut myself some slack rather than running head-on into a wall; as I tend to do at times.
2 things I've been told recently:
"You don't always have to be perfect" and
"You're allowed to make mistakes".

Naturally, both these statements go hand in hand. However, making a choice not do something is oftentimes not a mistake as much as allowing myself some personal self-care to manage the urge/need to " perfect".
My perfectionism is indeed a character attribute but, it can at times be very much a detriment as well. So allowing myself not to be perfect, having compassion for myself and letting some small things go is sincerely sometimes better for me than pushing myself too hard.

Anyway...maybe (hopefully) I'll write more tomorrow.

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