Sunday, January 14, 2018

My break from my Fb break ...and what I'm learning/learned

Yeah, after 10 days (out of sheer boredom; eh not really but it sounded of Fb fasting I decided to go on for a lil while yesterday evening. 
Aside from seeing a post a dear friend made about hospice; which in turn allowed for an opportunity to share some compassion for/to said friend, I didn't honestly see a thing that made me feel I was actually missing anything important.

Don't get me wrong, I miss the friendships (mostly acquaintances to be honest) and the interaction w/ said friends but, in all sincerity, I just didn't feel edified.

A long time mantra of mine has been, "If it doesn't edify (feed) my soul, I don't need it"; perhaps it's time I re-engage w/ this mantra.

So, after about an hour, I left and haven't really felt an overwhelming urge to jump back into the active facecrack foray.

I've honestly been enjoying the lack of extra added drama; Fb really is simply a kind of re-invention of reality tv; including the rest of us instead of excluding us via the limitations of one-ended media communication.

Truthfully, Fb is (not unlike reality tv) a huge ass voyeurs club where we collectively live (or think we do) vicariously through everybody else.

In many respects, Fb is a collective addiction to ego; 
look at MY dinner, 
look at MY puppy, 
look at MY suffering soul...
and even the occasional look at MY ass (or the ever so unsolicited D pic); in an effort to gain validation through how much YOU "like" me.

NOT truly acknowledging/validating ourselves is the dis-ease Fb creates w/in our consciousness (or rather sub-consciousness).
What I have found each and every time I've stepped away is a renewed acceptance of myself on my own terms rather than your pov; a renewed ability to actually validate myself.

Last night, while I was on, I intentionally didn't react, comment, post, or anything other than scroll through the eternal FEED; it wasn't near as interesting w/o the swipe L/R of reacting to everything.

Its (Fb is) kind of like the human trough keeping us quietly bovine just enough to turn the spectacle of our culture (reality tv again) into proverbial cattle feed.
The MAN is fattening us up for slaughter; causing us to literally get fatter off the Fb tit of information, forcing us into a virtual lethargy of compliance and queuing.
Have you had your thorazine (I mean Fb) fix today?

Over the last 10 days I've felt more alive; I've slowly started doing things I actually enjoy again, like my writing, like cleaning up my "studio" so I can start creating my art again.

As the thorazine (again...oops, I meant to say Fb) starts to wear off my energy is starting to come back more bit by bit; w/ exception of my usual constant physical pain I'm starting to shuffle less/less.

Day 3 I told a friend, "it's amazing what you can accomplish when you don't have a Fb suppository shoved up your ass".

I'm honestly looking forward to the next 10 days (might be longer/shorter, playing it by ear); it'll be interesting to see how/what my increased awareness/energy manifests.

Hope YOU are creating/manifesting some self-awareness/validation today and every day.

Namaste...❤ ~C

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