Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Knowing Your Worth Loving Yourself

So I haven't blogged in a few days; did ya miss me? 

Probably not...LOL
Ya know what though, I'm actually ok w/ that. 

Truthfully, I'm becoming more/more comfortable w/ validating myself and not especially needing validated by others. I'm learning to LOVE myself.

Hug Yourself!
Don't get me wrong, I'm definitely one of those folks that enjoys/appreciates the occasional "atta-boy" and getting my ego stroked.
However, I'm honestly getting much more comfortable in the knowledge and acceptance of my own self-worth.

Knowing you're worthy, knowing you are an awesome individual, KNOWING you're loved by yourself, for yourself (and even potentially in spite of your old negative mix tapes) is such an empowering self-indulgence.

Ultimately it's all about self-care, compassionately taking care of yourself. 
Taking care of yourself, being mindful of your own intimate needs, acknowledging your own awesomeness, these are the things that promote personal strength.

Loving ME feels good!
That's right, I'm enjoying loving ME.

Do not however mistake my positivity for a lack of challenges in my life.

I'm no different in this respect than anyone else; we all have our personal challenges, be they physical, financial, mental/emotional/spiritual, we ALL go through our own suffering.

But what about that suffering?
Can we overcome the pain of it?

I've found several (what may potentially seem to be "silly rabbit...) trix that I incorporate into my daily routine; helping to strengthen this self-love, and manifest well-being in my daily life.

"...Trix are for kids"
Here's a few to get you started:

1. Comfort/Love Your Inner Child
If "trix are for kids" then the first tool/trick must be learning to play and enjoy the little kid inside; embracing your inner child (literally hugging oneself).

2. BE GRATEFUL/Quit Complaining
Then "...for my next trick" I make a genuine, mindful effort to find a reason to BE grateful in every day, and frankly in every little thing; even the personal challenges I face.
Complaining changes nothing; it only exacerbates the problem w/ heightened anxiety.
Move all that complaint to the side and BE GRATEFUL you have something to overcome that will in turn strengthen you; manifesting the winning moment through the gratitude.

None of our challenges, no matter what we're up against, are permanent. Everything is temporary and as long as we keep moving forward we get through it ALL.

If, in the processing of our very real personal concerns/worries, we're able to remember to enjoy our playful inner child; dancing in the face of our challenges w/ gratitude in the knowledge that "this too shall pass", then we are able to find many beautiful moments to LOVE ourselves through every obstacle, creating self-worth in the process.

Dance w/ your inner child, revel in the awe of life...remember the impermanence of it all in gratitude for the beauty of every moment.


Namaste...❤ ~C

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