Sunday, August 23, 2015

Off the Cuff...

Time for one Off the Cuff (ok well not entirely off cuff I started it last night so I've had a lil bit of time to think on it).

It's been several weeks since I've written a good healthy (usually long winded, at times overwhelming , and occasionally narcissistic) blog. Anecdotally, I have been rather active on FB and have written some lengthy commentary to a myriad of topics, mostly on a spiritual level. My spiritual journey is after all an ongoing experience to say the least.

As I Am Wont To Do...
I have a tendency to continue to work through my challenges (issues, problems, idiosyncrasies) on a spiritual level much more deeply than on a mental level. Fact is when I let my head get too caught up in the concerns of my daily life I can get extremely stuck; so I attempt to work from the heart before I really work from the head. If there is a correct order to work through mental and spiritual challenges I've yet to find it...I simply do what works in a healthy way for me.

Monkey Mind ~ Thinking Too Much
Sure I think things through (what I have personally come to know as "The Think"); I am a Virgo after all; if nothing else remains cliche about Virgo's we are definitely highly emotional over thinkers. In Buddhist philosophy this is known as "Monkey Mind" (click the link for some excellent advice on taming the monkeys).

Monkey Mind can have the effect of getting you really caught up in the shit of daily life and can leave you whirling around not actually able to think straight. I've said it before and I'll say it again: Monkeys (especially the ones in zoos and behind some sort of cage) are known to throw shit and if you're not careful (w/ monkey mind) you could very well end up getting covered in it.

So that brings me back around to my norm of evaluating things on a spiritual level first if I can possibly help myself. The axiom I have come to understand is if I am able to effectively redirect my anxiety and mental discomfort into a more positive spiritual heart/mindset I have a tendency to be more healthy in that mindset. If I listen to all that shit throwing in my head; worry, complaint, fear, the not-good-enough's, etc, then I cannot possibly attract good things in my life because I'm too busy (busy busy busy...that's monkey mind too) complaining about the negative aspects of my life.

An Attitude of Gratitude
What I have come to understand and incorporate into my daily (often times only within the moment) life is a grateful attitude. It wasn't easy (and sometimes still is hard to keep) at first to begin having gratitude for my life. There were (and still are) so many things that I could complain about; bills, relationships, hurtful people, life in general etc., but I started a daily gratitude check and began inadvertently rearranging my mindset into a much more positive outlook on life. least in your viewpoint.
Gratitude Changes Your Perspective
I have found in the action of giving gratitude to "God" (or whatever the Universal force surrounding us w/ good intentions for our life happens to be and/or whatever you happen to call it), or even in the action of simply being grateful, that my life and my heart are both lighter and happier. My viewpoint of life has changed. The things I used to complain about (the short list in the last paragraph) are no longer complaints as much as they are simply obstacles that will be overcome in some way. Having a spirit of gratefulness; the cliche Attitude of Gratitude, has indeed helped me through so much of my personal challenges. Don't get me wrong, I still have many obstacles to overcome. I still have severe financial challenges that I have no clue how they will be overcome but I am already grateful in the realization that somehow, some way they will be.

...and that's the REAL CHANGE
The Real Change IS in ME
The real change has been within my spirit. The knowledge today that, no matter what life comes at me w/, things are going to be ok. I no longer have a need for complaint.I have become my own change machine. I take the worthless complaints of daily life stick them in the heart of who I am and out comes a positive spirit of gratitude for everything I have and everything coming my way; steadfast in the knowledge that my life is and has been blessed through every obstacle and every challenge. 

Yes sometimes I still get caught up in my head and yes there are times when the shit starts to get tossed around in there but the time I spend throwing that shit around is a much shorter occurrence and I am able today to step out of my head...STOP...and redirect it w/ compassion for myself. Yes I still hurt, yes I still cry out "I'm Scared" but in the acknowledgement of that emotion I am almost always changing within and realizing that it's all temporary and it will all work out in some positive way.

My spirit is comforted in the knowledge that I love me today and I am able because of that to share w/ you that same positive affirming strength that is divinely inspired within. 

This dragon is breathing stronger and my passion for life is my fire...;)

1 comment:

  1. Change is inevitable. Its all how we use it that determines our way of thinking and living our lives. We can change for the good or we can change for the worst. Life in all is all about change. Our actions can change someone else's life and/or we can change our own journey to our destiny. I challenge the change and accept it with every ounce of my being!

    Beautifully written and very inspiring!


I would love to hear your comments and thoughts however, please remember that this is MY blog and I wouldn't be hateful or bash you on your blog...constructive comments are always welcome.