Thursday, January 11, 2018

Out of the Mouth of... My Beautiful Cherub; Torin~isms

A Boy and His Dragon
Lately, I've been diving pretty deeply back into my blogging; heck I''ve written more on my actual blog in the last week+ than in the previous year. 
I'm very much enjoying writing again yet, w/ titles like "Divine Change...", "Holding Space...", and "Manifesting Gratitude...", content (as you may imagine) can oftentimes get pretty heavy on a philosophical/spiritual level.

So, in an effort to chill/entertain a little bit I offer up a personal homage to my beautiful cherub.
Once you see the images below; if you hadn't already made the connection, there's little doubt as to why (aside from the fact he really is an angel most of time) I call him "my cherub".
My Beautiful Cherub
Raphaels Angels
Torin, my beautiful 9yr old son, is
truly my favorite person on the planet; as if anyone had any doubts.
A little about my cherub (for those who may not already know him):

Torin has Autism Spectrum Disorder (w/ much of the usual characteristics of ASD prevalent).
Much of his disability is apparent through a roughly 2yr cognitive delay.
We, his mother/I (having had several years between us working in residential group homes for mentally challenged individuals: both adult/adolescent) started to suspect his diagnosis (dx) early on; w/in the first month of recognizing this we began the overwhelming chore (rural NC has very limited resources) of seeking dx and as well to get him the specialized services we knew he needed.
King Torin
It took 2 years, even after 1-1 services were on-board, for an unofficial dx to be given, and we're still seeking full dx.
Torin and Lego "Torin"
That said, Torin is an amazingly "exceptional" kid; there are very few people who have met this incredible child who haven't been effected in a positive way.

My Little Cupid
Everybody loves Torin and his charm is extremely infectious. Fact is he brings a smile to most faces w/in "mimutes" of meeting him; and those big quizzical brown eyes and amazingly curly hair will bring a smile w/o him ever opening his mouth.

Open his mouth he will though, and today he does so quite frequently (lol, there are some days you just can't get him to hush); this wasn't always the case though, he didn't actually speak anything we were able to understand until he was almost 3, and what he did say was closer to Swahili than anything representing English (naturally this somewhat apraxic characteristic was one of the many defining factors leading his mother/I to seek dx).

Torin Robot
Halloween '17
For those of you whom have not had the pleasure of meeting my cherub; having now been officially introduced, you may now include yourselves blessed as have been Torin's previous acquaintances.

As the title says...
"Out of the mouth of babes...";
having very much grasped basic vocal skills/communication (or rather, now that this kid he really comes off w/ some doozies.
Here are just a few Torin~isms I may further expand on in future blogs:

Raisins for B-Day
"No, don't waste golden raisins"

Just out of the blue during dinner but, you could tell he'd really given it some thought...
"The princess and the frog and beauty and the beast are the same story but kind of different."

My most recent favorite...
"I know everything, just not in class"
....kinda makes you wonder.

Autism has been described as a different operating system than the typically "normal" brain function of which our culture has become accustomed.

Oftentimes it's as if Torin genuinely functions on a higher frequency than most people; there are many instances when you really have to physically/mentally draw him in/out (depending on his usual interest in any given topic) before he'll focus on communicating w/ you.

No question though,
life w/ this beautiful soul has been an enormous blessing on so many levels. Don't get me wrong; I may be severely bias but, I am still dad and naturally there are times we butt heads and he needs to be redirected in some way; same goes w/ any parent/child relationship.
Being Goofy
This kid truly is a joy much more so than any other circumstance may dictate.
Love my kid and his occasional words of wisdom...❤
Thanks for letting me share him w/ you.

Namaste...❤ ~C


  1. He is a beautiful cherub and, as I see it, an old soul. Would love to meet him in person, should I ever get back to NC. Blessings to you both. Namaste.

  2. I love this kid!!!😍Give him a big hug for me!!!


I would love to hear your comments and thoughts however, please remember that this is MY blog and I wouldn't be hateful or bash you on your blog...constructive comments are always welcome.