Saturday, January 6, 2018

Manifesting Gratitude Starting the Day w/ THANK YOU!

So, I've recently started a new practice of beginning my daily routine w/ a simple (yet authentically) spoken "thank you".

I'm still working on it though (yes, it's new to me) and it doesn't always happen before letting my feet hit the floor; which was my original intent as I decided to attempt to kick my positivity up a notch.
I also haven't exactly set a mindful/specific direction for my moment of gratitude; truthfully I'm not so sure it needs direction as much as I need to be directed.

As a rule, I've been making wholehearted attempts to have at least one moment of gratitude each day for several years now yet; w/ the exception of my 11:11 moments (when they catch me/I catch them), I haven't exactly set up a directed, scheduled, meditation of/for gratitude.

Up until now I've really not been mindfully thankful; if I'm honest w/ myself/you the reader I'd have to begrudgingly admit my gratitude practice (while pretty much an ongoing constant; yes I do stop and express gratitude often throughout my day) has been more liken to breathing, and at times somewhat taken for granted.
Recognizing this need for more positivity in my daily life I decided I'd attempt to actually set aside a moment of mindful, meditative, gratitude.
After all, give gratitude/get more reasons to be grateful; that's how Law of Attraction works.

Now, w/ the timing of this bit of bloggage one might make the assumption this "new" practice of mindful thankfulness/gratitude is/was part of some half-baked "new years resolution".
Actually no, I don't do NYR's because who, frankly, needs to resolve to set themselves up for failure; there's simply nothing positively motivating in giving yourself more reasons to be self-depreciating.

Don't misunderstand, I certainly consider several things I'd like to change/strengthen w/ each passing new year yet, I've as well found, I need to allow for a somewhat lackadaisical approach; I'm actually more likely to follow through if I allow for some wiggle room. I simply don't like being forced/mandated into much of anything; even if I'm the one making said "resolution(s)".

That said,
I suppose I really have, in a way of sorts, resolved to begin a regular practice (in supposed pursuit of perfection; mindful of the fact things perused generally attempt to allude) of actually setting aside a defined gratitude meditation each morning; to BE thankful and grateful in that moment.

Here's the thing though; and this might throw some of you for a loop so I'd suggest bracing for impact,
I'll wait...

It really isn't important where I send my gratitude; in fact it doesn't matter if I actually "send" it anywhere.
The prosperity, the magic, the positive attraction, all happens in the act of BEing grateful.

Let me say that again...
BE-ing, literally I AM grateful, is the action that manifests more prosperity and by its very nature brings more reasons to BE in a spirit of gratitude.

So, for the last few days I've deliberately taken the time, shortly after waking; sometimes before leaving the bed, sometimes not, to BE in a moment of mindful meditative gratitude, allowing the words "thank you" to literally be spoken into my space and as authentically as possible.

Truth be told its still a little odd to feel the words AND speak them but, the weirdness of it brings a smile to my lips as I say it so there's a + along w/ the state of thankful mindfulness it promotes.

May your smile as well be upon your lips each morning w/in a spirit of gratitude...😄

Namaste, ❤ ~C

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