Saturday, January 13, 2018

"Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood"

"Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood",  perhaps one of my favorite songs ever recorded. 
The song itself speaks so deeply to who I am; so easily misunderstood (and indeed w/ a few regrets I'll likely never be able to make amends over) w/ a soul full of good "intentions".

While, the only hit w/ this song was The Animals version of 1965 (#15, and of itself is a great cover...) the original Nina Simone
has soooo much more to offer and honestly resonates w/ my soul in a depth the numerous covers over the years simply can't hold a candle to.
I've always been, and I do mean ALWAYS, somewhat of a rouge soul; not especially dishonest (as I hold "honesty to a fault" as a root w/in the foundation of who I am, but definitely "unprincipled" by societal norms, and every bit as "destructive", there's always a bit of primal "savage" lurking beneath the skin as well.

That said, as I was considering this blog I was a originally going to go w/ The Animals version; simply due to the rock/roll attitude it portrays yet, as I researched (based on the point of my blog) it occurred to me the appropriateness of Simone's version during MLK, Jr weekend.

Simone's stance/activism in regard to civil rights, and as well her ever so unapologetic nature, seemed to speak more deeply (as if Nina Simone's depth didn't/doesn't speak for itself) in light of our current political climate, and the continuing "shithole" (to quote the racist villageidiotpotus in the correct context...smh) of challenges our Black brothers/sisters continue to deal w/ in the face of it, and in our own backyard.

I'm fairly certain were Simone/King alive today they'd be marching arm/arm right up to the gates of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave demanding the rights of our disenfranchised Black Americans be addressed w/ the same level of depth I find in my heart for Nina Simone's version of "Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood".

It's a sad mess, when in 2018, we still find ourselves needing to bang the gates of the white house; even after 8yrs of excellence by our first black president, Barak Obama, over civil rights.

Alas, I digress...
(Sorry/NOT sorry; civil rights are kind of a thing for me too, it goes back to the self-identified "rouge").

Like I said, I've always been a bit of an outcast, "misunderstood" has at times not quite covered it...LOL

Truthfully, I make no real apologies for my misfit personality, and honestly kind of wear it as a badge of honor.

I'm very much an in your face, face value kind of person; and an honest loving soul w/ good intentions that all too often get lost in translation.
I am a person w/ great depth/emotion and I wear both on my sleeve; as awkward as this at times may be for those who know me, imagine how awkward this can be for me.

So, my point..
I've been misunderstood my whole life and it probably isn't going to get any prettier as I get older; developing the whole idgaf attitude that tends to come w/ age and true self-acceptance.

I can only hope to be as deep in my misunderstood shoes, as
Nina Simone was, in my older years ;)
ALL HAIL The High Priestess of Soul!! (Whom, btw, will finally take her throne as one of 2018's Rock/Roll Hall of Fame inductees)

Check out the live recording of Nina Simone's original below.

Namaste...❤ ~C
Baby, you understand me now
If sometimes you see that I'm mad
Don't you know no one alive
Can always be an angel
When everything goes wrong you see some bad
But I'm just a soul whose intentions are good
Oh Lord, please don't let me be misunderstood

Ya know, sometimes baby I'm so carefree
With a joy that's hard to hide
And then sometimes again it seems that all I have is worry
And then you're bound to see my other side
But I'm just a soul whose intentions are good
Oh Lord, please don't let me be misunderstood

If I seem edgy I want you to know
I never mean to take it out on you
Life has it's problems and I get more than my share
But that's one thing I never mean to do
'cause I love you
Oh, Oh baby I'm just human
Don't ya know I have thoughts like any one
Sometimes I find myself long regretting
Some little foolish thing some  simple thing that I've done

I'm just a soul whose intentions are good
Oh Lord, please don't let me be misunderstood
Don't let me be misunderstood
I try so hard
So please don't let me be misunderstood

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