Sunday, October 22, 2017

Beauty in Death Celebrating the Cycles of Life


Raise your hand if you love fall; the amazing changing of the colors of our beautiful planet, the smell of wood smoke in the air, bonfires, HALLOWEEN!!, and yes...(the epitome of white girl crack) pumpkin spice.

Seems for many of us these very few months of seasonal changes are a time of celebration; yet, just what are we truly celebrating?

For some of us we're simply celebrating the end of the godawful heat/humidity of summer; in truth these folks generally tend to celebrate the end of the godawful cold of winter w/ every bit as much revel.
This however is a digression from the actual topic...allow me to continue w/ point.

Fall, Autumn, our final harvest time of the year; w/ its crackle of fallen leaves beneath our feet, the multicolored iridescence of the changing foliage, and the morning frosts on our grass, IS a celebration of the beauty in death.

Here in our western hemisphere our planet is going into dormancy; the seasonal torpor of our mama, not so much death as much as a hibernation of sorts.
Yet the beauty of death/decay surrounds us in visual jubilation; and we celebrate it.

Up here in the NC mountains we always get an influx of our neighbors from the surrounding geography; "leaf lookers" being the nicety in terms, and the leaves are certainly a sight to see.
The deep reds of the locusts and the vibrant orange/yellow flames of the maples are a spectacle to behold.
Yet, it's a melancholy exchange we have w/ our planet; we feel the death (and oftentimes the sadness) w/in these brief moments.
We remember those we've loved, we feel them more deeply as the season changes from summer to fall to winter; w/in our celebration we feel our loss just as mama Gaia feels her loss w/in her coming dormancy.

Fall is often a time of tears, shared heartache w/ our friends/family; yet, just as we tend to embrace this bittersweeetness we also embrace our celebration, in the remembrance of those who have passed into whatever's next.

So, in closing...
Remember, as youre embracing the beauty in these moments of death/hibernation of our incredible planet, to honor our loved (and lost) ones.

The veil grows thin...🎃 😉
...and the dragon breathes a melancholy sigh. 🐲


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Fall is an amazing time of year..death and rebirth of nature. A time to hold on and be thankful for what is, to reflect on what is lost, feel, and continue to move forward. Beautifully written!! Thanks for sharing.

  3. TY Stormi, I appreciate the compliment. 🐲


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