Monday, March 24, 2014

I'll Do It "My Way"....

For several years now I have subscribed to's "Note's from the Universe". Often times these daily notes are very uplifting and sometimes even transformational in regard to my emotional well-being. I do not read them every day as sometime they just piss me off; as was the case

"It doesn't matter what "they" do, Chris. Your net worth, net health, and net happiness all hinge exclusively upon your net thoughts, net words, and net deeds. Though little can rob you as quickly as thinking that it matters what "they" do."

While I would be the first to submit my thoughts, words, and deeds are my own and those things cannot be taken away from me I would also have to state that I have unfortunately found, rather recently (over the last couple of years), that what "they" do DOES FUCKING MATTER. Cause and effect does exist and despite what we may be told "they" do hold all the cards.
On one level I do tend to subscribe to thought process of  "Those who mind don’t matter, and those who matter don’t mind" (which I have just found out isn't Seuss after was actually FDR presidential adviser Bernard Baruch...which btw actually kinda makes me a bit sad...that said not so hard to do as this has been a very emotional day anyway...but I digress) 
As stated I tend to subscribe to thought process of  Those who mind don’t matter, and those who matter don’t mind...and in the long run this is probably true. 
The folks that matter in my life, the "they" that actually do matter, don't mind that I am NOT a run of the mill, jack in the box, "normal" individual. Fact is the "they" that matter in the long run "don't mind" that I'm different, odd, or strange. 
As I've said for years....
 and "I hit spin a loooooong time ago".
BUT... (<<<<<< note the size..."crikey that's a big one")
Unfortunately, and like I said I have figured this out rather recently and perhaps still not figured it out completely and maybe never will..., the "they" that matter in the interim...the "they" that my "Notes from the Universe" lies to me about..the "they" that it damned sure does matter what THEY do are right in my face and whether I like it or not I have to

                                                    their way...

One day, maybe if I'm lucky...when all is said and done hopefully I will have found an opportunity to sing it loud and proud "I Did It My Way" (the Sid Vicious version btw) and will have been able to at some point give the world the official 1 finger salute and walked away proud and HAPPY despite "THEY"...

Only time will tell...

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