Monday, January 17, 2011

Why a Blog?

Several years ago I used to write on livejournal. At the time, most of my writing was just personal journaling and I didn’t show it as I do now. The main reason I wrote was in an attempt keep the emotional demons within my second marriage at bay.  

So, what’s the difference?
There are several reasons that immediately come to mind:
·         A healthy relationship with my beautiful wife.
·         A strong spiritual walk.
·         A deeper sense of sanity (although fleeting at
·         I don’t feel the need to hide who I am or what I’m about; because I am proud of who I am.

The last of those reasons is truly the pivot point. It is this acceptance of self that has allowed much of the balance I find now in my life. Granted; as I called this the pivot point, it is the other reasons that grant me the ability to create that balance. Each time I blog I share it on my Facebook for anyone to see and, simply put, because I thrive on the stimuli of feedback. Feedback, and even sometimes constructive criticism (and also the occasional taunting), provides a sense of validation for me.

Why this need for validation?
Well, I am human after all. Validation is part and parcel to the human condition. We all need it on some level, some more than others.

Alas, I digress...
Why a Blog instead of a personal and private journal?
It’s actually quite simple. I want people to know who I am. I want my personal struggles and my daily B.S. to be able to help someone else if possible. I also do not wish to be in hiding any longer in any aspect of my life.
Too long we (Pagans that is) have been the “Her Hidden Children”. I choose to show my true face to all that cross my path and in so choosing I have made a conscious decision to do so in all aspects of my life.

So a blog will do for now.

Only time will tell the tale...

As I Breathe,

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I would love to hear your comments and thoughts however, please remember that this is MY blog and I wouldn't be hateful or bash you on your blog...constructive comments are always welcome.