Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Common Sense (or the lack thereof)...

Writing Day 7

Common Sense is defined as "sound judgment in practical matters".

It's been said to me; many times, by many different people over the years, I lack basic common sense.
So many times over the years I've sincerely thought my actions/words (or sometimes the neglect to present said actions/words) were w/in the bounds of acting on sound judgment; when the truth of the matter is, I've always lacked a full understanding of basic practicality.

While I honestly believe I understand a situation, all too often the quality of my presumed "sound judgment" is lacking.
This (this lacking of sound judgment; of "common sense") is an inherent malaise of my disability.

I state this not as a crutch, or an excuse. I only state this axiom of my personality as somewhat of an introduction.

My dx is classified as Severe Attention Deficit/Hyperactive Disorder w/ Executive Function Delays/Deficit. It is this Executive Function Deficit which plays a major factor and causes the decrease, delay etc. in my ability to have what most folks refer to as common sense.

Naturally, this has caused me to be very much misunderstood over my lifetime.

Anyway, that's all for now...if you're curious, feel free to message/e-mail me w/ questions and I'll help you to understand more.


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