Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Just BEing... Authentically Sensitive Authentically ME

I AM authentically ME.

At times I'm highly emotional, oftentimes unpredictable, even occasionally rambunctious and boisterous, honest to a fault, an open book (reading itself out loud; loudly); or, at the least (or perhaps it's more like at the most?), as authentic as our culture will allow.

Anthon St Maarten

Sadly, our culture/society doesn't allow any of us to BE completely authentic; even as out of the box, in your face as I can BE, there's still a bright red spray painted line just beyond the edge of the shadow of the box; one doesn't cross that line.

Imagine the Pandora of anarchy we'd find ourselves in (or is that OUT of?) if WE were truly allowed genuine authenticity; to truly BE the individuals we each hide in the box of our soul/mind.

Thankfully, there are those red line "do not cross" limitations in place to keep our wild beasties at bay.

Where the Wild Things Are
Maurice Sendak

Truth be told, my wild beastie even scares me a bit; and while we're talking authenticity, let's be honest...who's inner beastie doesn't occasionally give us a scare from time/time?

Yet, in the same breath I speak (or rather, write) this internal fear, I also relish the thought of unleashing my full authenticity; w/ a huge Grinchy grin, complete w/ curls at the corners.

That Creepy Ol' Grinchy Grin

Ok, I'll accept (w/ exception of a few likeminded close friends) this may seem a touch on the creepy side.
Feel free to go ahead and make your "creepy" judgement call, I can take it and frankly I've learned to love ME w/ ALL of my authenticity.

To be every bit as blunt (as if I'm ever anything but...eh, I do curb a lot more than I used to) ALL of us have the same longing to let our inner freak flag fly w/o the judgement, repercussions, and responsibility that goes along w/ attempting to live in YOUR box.

All that said, most (if not all...) of my authenticity is worn on my sleeve.


I AM a very emotionally connected, fiercely open-hearted, courageous warrior for the cause of BEing true to ones feelings; that alone (THIS, what I consider an enormously strong character attribute) has been known to unfortunately (albeit unintentionally) come off as "creepy" to a few folks over the years.
Oftentimes, my sincere compassion/affection for/toward people in pain (especially those suffering emotionally) has been known to get me into trouble; simply put my intentions get misconstrued.

It's an unfortunate reality w/in our culture; when you show a loving compassion toward someone, especially w/ the "opposite" gender, sexual orientation, it is perceived as misconduct or misunderstood as something other than the pure comforting it is intended to be.

Sadly, it isn't getting any better; people are more guarded (and less authentic) w/ their culturally motivated emotional restraints/constraints than perhaps ever before.

For those of us who feel so deeply it's a time of pain in our society (and for ourselves) w/in it all, 
for the people we see hurting/suffering so deeply in secret; sharing their beautiful smiles w/ the rest of the world never realizing the authenticity of their tears IS every bit as beautiful as the smiles they hide behind.

BEing real IS NOT a character flaw.
BEing real IS a STRENGTH!

The flaw is w/in our closed minded, pent up, anxiety ridden, emotionally immature culture.

Fear of being judged by every one around us has caused so many of us to internally ridicule, and judge ourselves as not worthy of the love we could give/receive if we'd only quit degrading ourselves in the first place.

The answer, indeed the challenge, for each of us is to BE as authentic as we can BE w/in this culture of smiling facades. 
When we're able to provide ourselves w/ this freedom the questioning, judging mind no longer has such a self-destructive hold and it is then WE are finally able to...

Love y'all w/ ALL the authentic ME I can BE!

Namaste...❤ ~C

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