Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Holding Space, Compassion through Loving Thought

I've written much on compassion.
If you're able to take the time to read through my blogs there's an undercurrent of a theme; compassion/connection.

In simple terms, compassion is the ACTION of love, given freely, w/o the influence of ego, from a caring/considerate space beginning from a heart filled w/ love for one's own self.
Compassion can only be given as the gift it IS if we already have possession of that same gift on a personal level; and true compassion is given w/o expectation of reciprocation.

14th Dalai Lama
At times this gift of a loving heart can be a sacrament; for truly the gift of compassion is the sharing of divine spirit, a moment of Namaste

On the flip side, there are times when shared suffering is also an act of compassion

yet, compassion driven by empathy can at times seem more sacrifice than sacrament, and can be painful.
Compassion for ourselves in each moment is personal comfort through sacrificial pain.

Oftentimes, as much as we'd prefer to have moments of shared compassion, the uncomfortable reality may be the person we are gifting our love toward is unable/unwilling to accept the gift on the level we offer; this can all too often seem adversarial.
(note: the use of the terms adversity, adversarial does not denote a role of aggressor, rather a role of objection/rejection w/in context)

So, how do we give our gift freely in the face of adversity? How can we give a gift of any sort to someone who isn't receptive, or unable to reciprocate?

There's a cliche most of us have likely heard;
"The Thought Counts"

While each of has an innate need for connection (shared space, face/face, intimacy) w/ other people; especially those we legitimately love on a personal level, there are many times throughout our lives when this type of connection, literally, isn't w/in our grasp, and a connection in spirit ("I'll be there in spirit") is our only opportunity to give our compassionate gift.

In Buddhist belief this practice is known as Metta.

Metta practice is literally, holding a spiritual space of "loving-kindness" for another through a conscious/mindful meditative moment w/ the intent of holding them in your heart and sending the love/compassion to them; they need not be present. Holding Metta for/gifted to someone IS an act of compassion as a "the thought counts" moment; and is especially useful in the giving of this gift for people of whom we cannot have direct personal contact (for whatever the reason may be, be it geography, adversity, or an inability to reciprocate loving emotions, etc).
Metta practice is, for those in tune w/ a more Abrahamic dogma, not so dissimilar to prayer in that it calls upon the divine presence w/in the sender to hold the recipient in the heart of this same presence of love.

In closing for this particular bit of bloggage, in our daily lives we each come into contact w/ a myriad of different people; some we love by varying degrees, others we cannot give love to by direct connection.

It is so very important to take a moment in mindful thought daily to send those we love an extra gift of loving-kindness/compassion; yet, it is of deeper importance still to hold everyone in the heart of compassion, giving a gift of love, prosperity, serenity, and peace to ourselves as giver, and as well to ALL.

I hold you ALL in loving-kindness, and I send you compassion and...

Namaste...💞 ~C


  1. As someone who greets and serves the public on a daily basis I find it both a blessing and a curse to feel/empathize with humans. They are so fucking needy. And entitled. I think as a race we are going backwards emotionally and losing our humanity. Your thoughts?

    1. If you look back in our collective history you'll note; just like everything else, humanity ebbs/flows.
      It's sort of like the old adage says, "1 step forward 2 steps back".
      Culturally, the collective we here in the USofA, we took a huge leap forward w/ the previous 8 potus years; inevitably we must take the proverbial 2 steps backwards before the seeds planted during that time can truly begin to grow.

      Call IT fertilizer ;)


I would love to hear your comments and thoughts however, please remember that this is MY blog and I wouldn't be hateful or bash you on your blog...constructive comments are always welcome.