Monday, January 15, 2018

Dreaming of LOVE/Brotherhood In Service w/ Dr. King

A Dream of Brotherhood
In Service to One Another

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. had a dream; but, what was that dream, really?

The agenda of the continuing segregation, racist, supremacist movement would have us believe Dr. King's dream was simply one of speaking out against racial discrimination/inequality; while true Dr. King's platform absolutely included the further inclusion and desegregation of the Negro (King's word, not mine), this message was NOT his actual calling, nor the underlying roots of his divine legacy of service to his "people" and the greater world. 
No, Dr. King didn't speak in tones of separation; he spoke of equality for all mankind, of being of service to all our brothers/sisters. 
His service to all people was his true purpose; to remind ALL of US to rise up against social/civil injustice, indeed/especially in regard to race but also, in every form in which injustice rears its ugliness. 
Dr. King knew our collective raison detra (reason for being) was/is to be of service to our fellow man.
Dr. King had a dream of no longer seeing color (no longer seeing separation), of coming together as one humanity, as a "brotherhood of man". 

Granted, the depth of his platform on civil injustice; as he gave his historical "Dream Speech" was motivated by the continued racial inconsistencies and injustices in the American culture of 1963 but, the strength w/in his message spoke of "lift(ing) our the solid rock of brotherhood".
His dream, the dream we should ALL have, was of walking hand/hand as one people, breaking bread together as ONE HUMANITY; King believed "Now is the time to make justice a reality for all of God’s children".
This reminder, this divine mission, was his service to us all.

He also chided us to not succumb to hatred, he believed we should walk TOGETHER in dignity and love toward a greater cause of unity; that only then could we truly say that we had met the challenge of racial inequality, etc.

Now, over 50 years later we still stand apart in the shadow of Dr. King's legacy of service. We forget we are ALL in this together, that we are one people, and that this "dream" becomes a nightmare when we're not reaching out in service to our brothers/sisters of every walk of life.

Still today, we suffer as a culture w/ the overreach of police brutality toward our black brothers/sisters. 
Still today, though some positive change has occurred, we still do not walk in the dignity of divine love for our fellow "man" of every distinction.
Still today there is a sad, painful divide in our culture of which Dr. King's message was surely attempting to speak out against; a greater message than the misinformation of black vs. white.

King's message was not one of "us vs. them".
NO, Dr. King's message was...


A brotherhood of man who will never be "Free at last" until we quit seeing w/ the eyes of judgement because of our differences of color, creed, sexual orientation, religion, etc.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. had a dream...that in time we'd all "join hands" and "sit down together at the table of brotherhood" in service to each other through the power of LOVE.

I too have this dream that together "WE shall overcome someday"

Namaste...❤ ~C

The Small Things Add Up
To A Legacy of Greatness

"Hatred paralyzes life; 
love releases it. 
Hatred confuses life; 
love harmonizes it. 
Hatred darkens life; 
love illuminates it."
~Martin Luther King Jr. 

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