Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Who am I???????

Sometimes I ask that question of myself and the answer doesn’t come as freely as one would like. Yes, not unlike anyone you may come in contact with, I have several (in fact a myriad) of labels. Some I have given myself.  Most have been given to me and I have either chosen to take them on or I have dismissed them as unqualified nonsense. Many have been pushed on me and some of those I have been forced, by my own choice albeit under duress, to take them on.

I have been labeled as friend and as foe.
Often times these two labels have come from identical sources with just as much love; in speaking friend, as in animosity; in speaking foe.
Do my spots change that easily? No, I am still me.
Am I not still the same person that was called friend in the first place? Likely, Yes.

It never ceases to amaze me how easily these two labels can neutralize each other.  
I know people who act as if I am their foe that I still consider friend and I’m certain that there are people who I consider foe that still consider me to be a friend as well.

Do I understand this? 
No, not really. In fact, it is extremely hard for me to comprehend at all.
I am; and have always been, the type of person who uses the word friend with a strong amount of credence. I don’t throw it about loosely. If I have called you a friend, then I do not change my mind in regards to the term easily. It may be that we are at odds; it may be that we have broken ties; it may be that I am now labeled as foe.
My present label; of foe, does not change the label; of friend, that I have previously given from my heart.

What does change?
The impression of me; the way I’m seen. The label of foe; created for me, can blind someone to the true friend that I am and can be. A friend doesn’t always agree with the things you do and they do not always approve of your actions. A friend will sometimes call you out on your mistakes. A friend will at times make you angry. A friend will also love you through your faults and they will love you despite your labels or the ones you may impose upon them.

So, Who am I???????
Today, I choose to be a friend and I offer my hand.
Your choice is whether or not you accept the hand.

Tomorrow may be a new label; will I be aware of it?
Only time will tell the tale...

As I Breathe,

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I would love to hear your comments and thoughts however, please remember that this is MY blog and I wouldn't be hateful or bash you on your blog...constructive comments are always welcome.