Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Happiness is...

“There is only one way to happiness and that is to cease worrying about things which are beyond the power of our will.”
                Epictetus (Greek philosopher associated with the Stoics, AD 55-c.135)

“Happiness is an inside job”
                William Arthur Ward (1921–1994)

"...know thy seeking and yearning shall avail thee not, unless thou know this mystery: that if that which thou seekest thou findest not within thee, thou wilt never find it without thee."
                Doreen Valiente (1922–1999)

So many people, me included, have this need to be validated throughout their lives.
Why is it that we continue hearing and believing; on the outside with the face we show to everyone else, wisdom such as that above and persist to not take it to heart?
Have we truly been brainwashed so deeply by our western culture of shame and blame and not worthy BS that we cannot get beyond the idea that outside stimuli is the only way that we can authenticate ourselves?

It is said that, “what’s inside is what truly counts”.
In my last blog I talked about the illusion of freedom and our inalienable right to “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”. If our inalienable rights are an illusion and true happiness is found only in the heart and soul of our being then I would give you that life and liberty are only available through the process of finding that personal happiness. Simply put, personal happiness found within creates an internal utopia of true liberty for ones life.

Maybe our inalienable right to “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” could instead be re-written as the right to accept internal happiness and to create liberty in ones life. As a result; of finding internal happiness, we would find true freedom and thus would be able to extend that freedom to others by sharing in the love and understanding that we have found within.

It’s an excellent concept by design but, alas it’s hard to swallow.
We here in the western hemisphere have been trained so deeply to get our daily does of happiness from things.
Cars, food, sex, relationships, better this, better that (etc, etc) and all in pursuit of the elusive need of self contentment.

Contentment is not found in all, or any, of those things. It is found in the depths of the soul, the acknowledgement of self worth. This is the key that so many cannot find. The key to real happiness is to acknowledge, allow and concede that we are actually worthy of being happy and worthy of love.

Yes, Happiness is a state of being and not a reaction to outside stimuli.  

Alas, I can say these words as if they are gospel. The hard part for me as I preach it is the practice. I am very much a creature of outside stimuli.
It, stimuli that is, is very much the butter on the bread of my life.
As a rule; btw not a rule I made but a rule nonetheless, I tend to be very reaction based and I have a very hard time letting go and just being.

Mayhap being able to write about my issues will eventually allow me to transcend some of my own personal imbalance and I will be able to work more diligently toward finding my own deeper happiness within.

Only time will tell the tale...

As I Breathe,


  1. The best practice I know for overcoming this preoccupation with self is samadhi meditation. Much of the literature refers to a steady state of bliss but I find even brief moments of "no self" to be very liberating. This can be achieved by the simple practice of sitting & following the breath.

  2. Snooze's Rule # 27:

    Never hang your identity or self-respect on anything that can be taken away from you through no fault of your own.

    Snooze's Rule # 3:

    Try to be the person your dogs think you are and you'll be fine.


I would love to hear your comments and thoughts however, please remember that this is MY blog and I wouldn't be hateful or bash you on your blog...constructive comments are always welcome.